Design Manifesto
Design Manifesto –

The Future of Design - A (Prospective) Industrial Designers Perspective

By Dylan Watson 10062246

Design is more than just making a product or website. Design is about creating experiences, sharing knowledge and changing the world. I for one, decided to enter the design field to learn how to create products that help change people lives, such as prosthetics and human integrated technology. This come with great responsibility as with all facets of design.

Creating a product to aide in someone’s mobility presents many challenges. But the most important thing is the person wearing the prosthetic. Human emotion may be the single greatest factor in the success of a design and the world is quickly forgetting that products should be about the people, not just about the money.

Human Centered Design is about approaching a problem from the perspective of the end-user whilst also considering their emotions and abilities. You must apply this design techniques to every step of the design process in order to be successful in designing a product to suit a certain person or group of persons. Designing from a human perspective helps to create product that works for everyone, including the stakeholders, investors and of course the end users of the product.

There are many techniques we designers must use in order to provide our clients and stakeholders with the best product. Designers must change these techniques to adapt to the world such as designing for different economic climates or the environment. One thing that will always remain constant is humans.

Humans buy new things for many different reasons such as wanting to do a task more easily, create a better environment for themselves or to treat themselves. The one thing in common about these reasons is that they are all driven by human emotion.
So, what do I think design should be like in the future? Design should start and end with humans, using the human centered design approach.

“We spend a lot of time designing the bridge, but not enough time thinking about the people who are crossing it.”

-Dr. Prabhjot Singh

Designing for humans first can impact us in many ways. Firstly, it will make the products we design better suited for the people who are actually using the product. Secondly, the products will provoke users to use the product more as it is specifically designed for them. Using a product designed for you will benefit you in an emotional way too. If a product is designed for the user first, they will get joy and pleasure from using it. Much like when beginning a project. Having the appropriate tools to begin will allow you to more easily start working and make working a more pleasurable experience.

We desperately need this in the world as at the moment. We are at a point were things are designed and made to function at a bare minimum and to be as cheap as possible to manufacture. Designing in the future should be about us first, making us all happier and making the world a better place to be in.

Word Count = 512

All images and videos from free use websites:

Mixkit. (2020). Mixkit - Awesome free assets for your next video project. https://mixkit.co

Unsplash. (2020). Beautiful Free Images & Pictures. Unsplash. https://unsplash.com

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